Re: [Scheme-reports] [scheme-reports-wg1] Fixing libraries (was Re: Questions about cond-expand)
Per Bothner 06 Sep 2012 23:57 UTC
On 09/06/2012 03:58 PM, Alex Shinn wrote:ity -
> Chez modules cannot be implemented by every
> other system, nor can Scheme48 modules, but
> the R7RS define-library form can.
Not to argue for or against "Chez-style" modules,
but is this really meaningful? The point of R7RS is
to specify and language, and so every other system
that claims to modify R7RS would have to be *modified*
to implemented the specification.
I assume you mean that Chez modules are be so
*fundamentally* different from other module systems
that it would be need a huge and unreasonable re-write
that it would not be reasonable for R7RS.
--Per Bothner
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