Re: [Scheme-reports] Formal Response #382: Allow "if" to accept arbitrarily many if-then pairs
Aaron W. Hsu 13 Oct 2012 02:40 UTC
On Fri, 12 Oct 2012 00:55:19 -0400, John Boyle
<> wrote:
> Is there a portable way within R6RS to effectively or actually turn off
> the explicit phasing when it exists? Imagine I want to do this for a
> large tree of macros. Is there a better approach than, say, creating a
> new library for each new macro?
There probably is, and there is no portable way. R6RS systems tend to be
either implicit or explicit in their phasing behavior, meaning that they
either automatically determine the phasing of imports, or they force you
to explicitly indicate which one you want; members on both sides of the
fence tend to believe that they have the approach that they want to use,
and don't generally provide ways of selecting one or the other. I think I
recall one or two systems that actually implemented both explicit and
implicit phasing, but that's about it. If you want all of this to be
turned off, then you want the implicit phasing behavior, but as I
mentioned in another email, you could probably do what you want to do
relatively easily with either approach.
Aaron W. Hsu | |
Programming is just another word for the Lost Art of Thinking.
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