[Scheme-reports] r7rs-draft-6: identifiers looking as numbers Daniel Villeneuve (10 May 2012 03:38 UTC)
Re: [Scheme-reports] r7rs-draft-6: identifiers looking as numbers John Cowan (10 May 2012 05:23 UTC)

Re: [Scheme-reports] r7rs-draft-6: identifiers looking as numbers John Cowan 10 May 2012 05:22 UTC

Daniel Villeneuve scripsit:

> The draft says: "An identifier is any sequence of letters, ... provided
> that it does not have a prefix which is a valid number."

Remember that one of the targets of R7RS-small is embedded systems.
Disallowing identifiers like 1-in-7 means that small parsers can decide
whether they have a number as soon as it's complete.

Note that your users can write |1-in-7| if they care about portability,
and/or your implementation can simply allow such identifiers as an

John Cowan  cowan@ccil.org  http://ccil.org/~cowan
Linguistics is arguably the most hotly contested property in the academic
realm. It is soaked with the blood of poets, theologians, philosophers,
philologists, psychologists, biologists and neurologists, along with
whatever blood can be got out of grammarians. - Russ Rymer

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