Re: [Scheme-reports] R7RS large process discussion WAS Re: final draft of the R7RS small language John Cowan (10 Jul 2013 18:54 UTC)

Re: [Scheme-reports] R7RS large process discussion WAS Re: final draft of the R7RS small language John Cowan 10 Jul 2013 18:53 UTC

Kevin Wortman scripsit:

> Thanks, I understand. It might help to post this information
> prominently on the Trac wiki.

Indeed, I'm going to edit this thread into one or more postings
(I assume you have problem with my reusing parts of what you say).

Mos Eisley spaceport.  You will never           John Cowan
see a more wretched hive of scum and  
villainy --unless you watch the      
Jerry Springer Show.

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