Re: [Scheme-reports] [r6rs-discuss] redefining eqv?
Peter Kourzanov 25 Dec 2010 00:48 UTC
On Fri, 2010-12-24 at 12:26 -1000, Shiro Kawai wrote:
> > So, RRS's (fluid) redux (or shall I say Rabbit redux). Its so
> > well-hidden I didn't know it existed. Any plans on going back
> > that for R7RS?
> Is SRFI such an obscure, hidden thing? Admittedly, referring to
> individual srfi by number is a bit forbidding for newcomers, but
> I've been thinking that popular(*) SRFIs are indispensable for
> those who consider using Scheme seriously.
This particular one is: there are 3 SRFI's with keyword "parameter",
26, 39 and 89, each with its own meaning of "parameter". Why wasn't
this one just called "dynamic binding" or "back to fluids"?
> I'd prefer having a small core standard and rich SRFIs, but
> opinions may differ.
Me too. Now if they were also named consistently...
> (*) Which SRFI is popular? This is a bit outdated, but you can
> get an idea:
That's a useful link, thanks!
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