Re: [scheme-reports-wg2] Installing the floor of the R7RS-large numeric tower John Cowan (21 Apr 2014 15:13 UTC)
Re: [Scheme-reports] Installing the floor of the R7RS-large numeric tower Christian Stigen Larsen (29 Apr 2014 08:13 UTC)

Re: [scheme-reports-wg2] Installing the floor of the R7RS-large numeric tower John Cowan 21 Apr 2014 15:13 UTC

Arthur A. Gleckler scripsit:

> > 3) Should R7RS-large require support for exact complex numbers?
> Yes.
> > 4) Should R7RS-large require inexact complex numbers, to consist of
> > pairs of 64-bit IEEE binary floats?
> No.

What's your rationale for this choice?  Note that Alex has changed his vote
on #3 to "no", and (as I have pointed out) systems with exact but not
inexact complex numbers probably won't be attractive to those few users
who actually need complex numbers.

John Cowan
"Repeat this until 'update-mounts -v' shows no updates.
You may well have to log in to particular machines, hunt down
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