Re: [Scheme-reports] Proposed new SRFI for immutable lists Kevin Wortman (03 Sep 2014 05:04 UTC)
Re: [Scheme-reports] Proposed new SRFI for immutable lists (04 Sep 2014 05:01 UTC)
Re: [Scheme-reports] Proposed new SRFI for immutable lists John Cowan (08 Sep 2014 14:05 UTC)
Re: [Scheme-reports] Proposed new SRFI for immutable lists Eli Barzilay (04 Sep 2014 05:12 UTC)

Re: [Scheme-reports] Proposed new SRFI for immutable lists John Cowan 08 Sep 2014 14:01 UTC

Vassil Nikolov | Васил Николов scripsit:

>   By the way, some languages offer yet another approach, in principle
>   similar to the latter, but more procedural.  It is to make the object
>   construction protocol a little more elaborate so the user (not just
>   the implementor) can see object _allocation_ as a separate step from
>   object _initialization_.

This is commonplace in OO languages such as Smalltalk and Java/C#.  The
danger of it, of course, is that methods wind up being called on an object
before it is fully constructed, when its invariants do not yet hold.  In a
multi-threaded program, of course, this is even more likely to happen.
Consequently, more modern APIs provide a mutable builder object that can
have various setup methods called on it, and then a "done" method which
returns an immutable working object.  The builder can then be discarded.
This approach does not permit circularity, but runs far fewer risks.

John Cowan
If you have ever wondered if you are in hell, it has been said, then
you are on a well-traveled road of spiritual inquiry.  If you are
absolutely sure you are in hell, however, then you must be on the Cross
Bronx Expressway.  --Alan Feuer, New York Times, 2002-09-20

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