Re: [Scheme-reports] Comments on draft 6 about call/cc Alex Shinn (11 Mar 2012 12:17 UTC)
Re: [Scheme-reports] Comments on draft 6 about call/cc John Cowan (11 Mar 2012 19:28 UTC)

Re: [Scheme-reports] Comments on draft 6 about call/cc John Cowan 11 Mar 2012 19:27 UTC

Alex Shinn scripsit:

> > That seems like the best decision. It would be great if you consider
> > rewording the section on call/cc. For example, there is a paragraph
> > about history, going back to Landin's J. Alas, that history is a bit
> > truncated, saying nothing about delimited control and particular cases
> > of delimited control such as green threads, Concurrent ML-like
> > threads, coroutines, generators. Since putting that much history into
> > a report is improper, perhaps the section about call/cc can be
> > abbreviated and extra material put into an appendix or other
> > non-normative document.
> Thanks, we'll revise that section.

Editorial ticket #355 filed.

We pledge allegiance to the penguin             John Cowan
and to the intellectual property regime
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software for all.               --Julian Dibbell on Brazil, edited

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