Re: [Scheme-reports] ratification vote for R7RS-small Jay Freeman 19 Apr 2013 20:00 UTC

Full name (required): Jay Reynolds Freeman.

Location (optional): Palo Alto, California, USA.

Affiliation (optional): None.

Contact details (optional):

Statement of interest (not required if you registered for the
R6RS ratification or the 2009 Steering Committee election):
(I did register for R6RS ratification, but anyway ...)
I have developed and maintain an R5 Scheme implementations for
the Apple Macintosh ("Wraith Scheme"), and a not-quite R5
Scheme for the Apple iPad ("Pixie Scheme III").  (By "not quite",
I mean that Pixie Scheme III has no access to the underlying file
system on the iPad, as required by Apple for iPad apps.)  I do
not presently plan to upgrade either of these applications beyond
the R5 standard, but since I have been developing shareware and
open-source Scheme implementations since 1988, I believe I have
a convincing case to be interested in the future of Scheme.

Vote (required): Abstain.

Rationale (optional): I participate in the vote mainly to express
continued interest in the development of Scheme; however, most of
the features added since R5 are of little personal interest to me,
and I am not particularly up to speed on their implementation
details.  Thus I feel that I could not vote yes or no intelligently.

--  Jay Reynolds Freeman
--------------------- (personal web site)

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