Re: [Scheme-reports] Small comments on draft 3 Andy Wingo (07 Aug 2011 08:25 UTC)
Re: [Scheme-reports] Small comments on draft 3 John Cowan (07 Aug 2011 16:47 UTC)

Re: [Scheme-reports] Small comments on draft 3 John Cowan 07 Aug 2011 16:47 UTC

Andy Wingo scripsit:

> >> "(define (make) (list ()))"
> >> ......................................................................
> >> "(set-car! s ())" No quotes?
> >
> > I don't know what you are saying here.
> I think that Denis was asking if () a self-quoting form.  If not, it
> needs a quote.

Ah.  The source contained a Unicode curly quote, which was being
dropped.  Fixed on trunk.

John Cowan   <>
One time I called in to the central system and started working on a big
thick 'sed' and 'awk' heavy duty data bashing script.  One of the geologists
came by, looked over my shoulder and said 'Oh, that happens to me too.
Try hanging up and phoning in again.'  --Beverly Erlebacher

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