Re: [Scheme-reports] Proposed new SRFI for immutable lists Eli Barzilay (08 Sep 2014 16:18 UTC)
Re: [Scheme-reports] Proposed new SRFI for immutable lists John Cowan (12 Sep 2014 16:16 UTC)

Re: [Scheme-reports] Proposed new SRFI for immutable lists John Cowan 12 Sep 2014 16:11 UTC


Alex Shinn scripsit:

> The naive approach would be to define ipairs with setters
> and simply not export those setters to the user.  This runs
> into problems with future extensions for record introspection.

Hopefully such extensions will make provision for opaque record types
on which `record-rtd?` does not work (and `record?` returns #f).

> However, using lazy evaluation one could have truly
> immutable, portable records and still provide such
> utilities as `circular-ilist' and the equivalent of Racket's
> `shared'.

Sure.  But the question is whether such polymorphism is useful, or whether
it's better to have a distinct type of immutable cycles, either one-way
or (per CyclesMedernach) two-way.  The only SRFI 1 procedures that apply
equally to circular and normal lists are list-ref, length+ (aka R7RS
length), zip, count, fold(-right), pair-fold(-right), map, for-each,
append-map, map-in-order, pair-for-each, filter-map, find(-tail),
take-while, drop-while, span, break, any, every, list-index.  Most of
these accept multiple lists, of which at least one must be finite, so
for example you cannot map a procedure over a circular list and get a
circular list.  Having to be prepared to handle promises at any point
will make all these functions slower on normal ilists.

John Cowan
Most people are much more ignorant about language than they are about
[other subjects], but they reckon that because they can talk and read and
write, their opinions about talking and reading and writing are as well
informed as anybody's.  And since I have DNA, I'm entitled to carry on at
length about genetics without bothering to learn anything about it.  Not.
                        --Mark Liberman

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