Re: [Scheme-reports] Sequence to sequence conversion
John Cowan 02 Jul 2012 04:31 UTC
Marc Feeley scripsit:
> The R7RS is adding bytevector sequences, but it does not add the conversion procedures:
> list->bytevector, and bytevector->list
> What is the rationale for this inconsistency?
The already-noted second-class nature of bytevectors in the small language.
But converters between vectors and restricted-type vectors will be useful
for the large language, and I have added them to BlobAPI.
They do not preach John Cowan
that their God will rouse them
A little before the nuts work loose.
They do not teach
that His Pity allows them --Rudyard Kipling,
to drop their job when they damn-well choose. "The Sons of Martha"
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