Re: [Scheme-reports] R7RS small in R6RS library
John Cowan 24 Nov 2011 20:58 UTC
OKUMURA Yuki scripsit:
> I've just started a project that attempt to implement R7RS small
> libraries in R6RS library form.
Ah, excellent! I had intended to do this myself when I had time, but
I'm very glad to hear that someone else has undertaken to do it
spontaneously. Thank you very much.
> - There is no sound way to implement CHAR-READY? and U8-READY?. R6RS
> doesn't have this,
> and some OS interface like standard-C or many POSIX like OS cannot
> implement them simple, reliable and efficient enough.
I tried to have CHAR-READY? removed from R7RS, but the WG decided otherwise.
> - Thanks to 3rd ballot #83, we can import (rnrs) based libraries and
> (scheme base) based libraries at once.
> So I think providing (scheme base) library in R6RS is not so bad
> solution for R6RS => R7RS migration if people desired.
It's quite reasonable. However, one must also provide a translator from
user-written R7RS libraries to R6RS ones, as the body of an R7RS library
is not, in the general case, R6RS-conforming.
> Racket cannot treat files without #!lang or #!r6rs as R6RS library. So
> I couldn't implement r7rs-bridge on Racket.
This can be handled by the translator I just mentioned.
> - CASE doesn't have => form.
> - SYNTAX-RULES cannot expand SRFI-46 letrec sample. Is there any
> difference between R7RS and SRFI-46?
There is no intentional difference.
> == Sagittarius ==
I am not familiar with this Scheme. I will add it to my list.
All Gaul is divided into three parts: the part John Cowan
that cooks with lard and goose fat, the part
that cooks with olive oil, and the part that
cooks with butter. --David Chessler
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