Re: [Scheme-reports] Reformulated numeric-tower ballot
John Cowan 30 Apr 2014 16:33 UTC
Alaric Snell-Pym scripsit:
> To me that sounds like a definition of "fixnums overflow into flonums",
> which is something slightly different. A system might have fixnums that
> raise a condition rather than overflowing, without having a bignum system.
I agree that that's possible in principle, but in practice no system I
know of uses it: they either nonconformantly wrap (producing incorrect
fixnum results), or overflow to flonums, or overflow to bignums.
Conditions are raised only when the bignums get too big, which can also
be a matter of the format rather than the total storage.
> I'd argue that overflow-to-flonum is questionable (it produces incorrect
> results rather than no results, and lets you check for incorrectness
> with exact?, but I foresee lots of code not thinking to check for exact?
> and silently failing); it strikes me as useful to allow developers to
> have mental rules like "exact + exact = exact".
I agree, modulo physical devices can't represent arbitrarily large
integers. But in order for "exact + exact = exact" to be as true as it
can be, we need bignums.
> I think that people who don't mind exacts overflowing to inexacts
> are probably people who wanted inexacts in the first place and just
> happened to get an exact when they typed "10".
That, or they want fairly predictable performance (on modern CPUs,
fixnums and flonums have about the same performance).
> bignums are an implementation issue; minimal ranges are a user issue,
> and what happens when those ranges are exceeded (errors or overflows to
> inexacts) :-)
What we are voting on is not bignums, but unbounded (modulo physical
constraints) exact integers.
John Cowan
Do what you will / this Life's a Fiction
And is made up of / Contradiction. --William Blake
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