Re: [Scheme-reports] Undelimited identifiers? John Cowan 17 Apr 2012 18:49 UTC

leppie scripsit:

> Consider: (foo a, b)
> This is also invalid as per R6RS, but IIRC Chez allows this.

`(a, 'b) => (a b):  Racket, Gauche, Gambit, Chicken, Scheme48/scsh,
Kawa, Chibi, SCM, Chez, Vicare, NexJ, STklos, KSi, SigScheme, Scheme 9,
XLisp, Rep, Oaklisp, Spark, Inlab, Owl Lisp.

`(a, 'b) => (a, 'b):  Bigloo, Guile, SISC, Shoe, TinyScheme, Dream,
Scheme 7, Schemik, Elk, VX, Sizzle.

Syntax error:  Larceny, Ypsilon, Mosh, SXI, MScheme.

UMB crashes.

> Notably, IronScheme will give an ugly native exception for invalid
> syntax (eg (list 'a'b)), but will give the correct condition (in the
> R6RS case, &lexical) when invoking it as (read (open-string-input-port
> "'a'b")).

When I tried the above example on IronScheme, it just printed dot prompts
at me and refused to terminate the input S-expression no matter what.
I'm running in -nologo -emacs mode, but from the command line.

> I also note that you have listed Vicare twice.

Oops.  Vicare evaluates (list 'a'b) as (a b).

Here lies the Christian,                        John Cowan
        judge, and poet Peter,        
Who broke the laws of God             
        and man and metre.

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