Re: [Scheme-reports] Complex gcd? Fredrik Noring 26 May 2014 17:54 UTC

Hi John!

25 maj 2014 kl. 23:38 skrev John Cowan <>:
> It extends to Gaussian integers (complex numbers whose real and imaginary
> parts are both integers), but there is no support for those in Scheme
> except as a subset of the general complex numbers.

OK, well, I thought exactness didn't matter given that R7RS explicitly provides
"(lcm 32.0 -36) ==> 288.0" as an "inexact" example. So "32" and "32.0" are both
fine, but "0.0+32.0i" is not (even though it is computable) because the "exact"
version "0+32i" is not supported? (Odd, in my opinion.)

> Writing a SRFI for Gaussian integers would be a Good Thing.

How would that work, would you be able to elaborate?

Many thanks,

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