Re: [Scheme-reports] some questions on byte vectors + ports
Aubrey Jaffer 27 Jun 2012 16:52 UTC
| From: Wolfgang De Meuter <>
| Date: Wed, 27 Jun 2012 14:06:41 +0200
| ...
| to me, byte vectors are pretty useless if you don't have a minimal
| amount of comfort for encoding/decoding data types. And, given the
| fact that you no longer support this comfort, is there sufficient
| support to break down/ build up Scheme data types (integers,
| float,…) into / from raw bytes ? I.e., can I convert an integer or
| a float to a byte vector?
SLIB provides R4RS/R5RS Scheme code to accomplish these conversions in
a way which is unaffected by host byte-order. See:
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