Re: [Scheme-reports] Tracking change in the Scheme reports Malcolm Tredinnick (17 Dec 2012 03:25 UTC)
Re: [Scheme-reports] Tracking change in the Scheme reports John Cowan (17 Dec 2012 07:58 UTC)

Re: [Scheme-reports] Tracking change in the Scheme reports John Cowan 17 Dec 2012 07:57 UTC

Malcolm Tredinnick scripsit:

> This provides some interesting context to me. Although I have to wonder
> if you might not have already spent enough time with the latest spec
> over the last couple of years, John. You're allowed to put it down
> for a little bit now and again. :-)

I'm recovering from surgery, so it gives me something to do to while
away my pain-filled hours right now.

Besides, I'm looking forward to WG2.

A: "Spiro conjectures Ex-Lax."                  John Cowan
Q: "What does Pat Nixon frost her cakes with?"
  --"Jeopardy" for generative semanticists

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