Re: [Scheme-reports] grammar of numbers Vassil Nikolov (16 Nov 2013 00:14 UTC)
Re: [Scheme-reports] grammar of numbers John Cowan (16 Nov 2013 02:14 UTC)

Re: [Scheme-reports] grammar of numbers John Cowan 16 Nov 2013 00:09 UTC

Vassil Nikolov scripsit:

> By the way, does Scheme have the notion of a potnum (or did it in
> the past)?

No.  But since Scheme has no standard way for programmers to alter the
lexical syntax, it doesn't matter very much.  Implementations are free
to extend the syntax of numbers, extend the syntax of identifiers,
or do neither.

Even a refrigerator can conform to the XML      John Cowan
Infoset, as long as it has a door sticker
saying "No information items inside". 
        --Eve Maler

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