Alex Shinn scripsit:
> That's still a lot more than provide 1+ out of the box (do any other
> than Guile?).
Provide `1+` but not `add1`: MIT, Guile, SCM, XLisp, Rep, Elk, FemtoLisp,
Provide `add1` but not `1+`: Racket, Chicken, SISC, Vicare, IronScheme,
RScheme, SXM.
Provide both: Chez, Sizzle.
So as far as counting Schemes go, it's a wash; but since almost the
beginning of this process I have adopted the rule "witnesses should be
weighed, not counted."
> > See <> for details.
> You tested the wrong thing - the original question was about
> 1+, then 1+x was brought up, not +1x.
I actually tested the right thing, but reported it wrongly. (Post in
haste, repent at leisure.) In any case, the tests for 1+ are now merged
in and some errors corrected. We are stuck with the wrong page name,
John Cowan
But the next day there came no dawn, and the Grey Company passed on
into the darkness of the Storm of Mordor and were lost to mortal sight;
but the Dead followed them. --"The Passing of the Grey Company"
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