Re: [Scheme-reports] Looking for collaborators to develop a formally verified implementation for R7RS (small) using Coq. John Cowan (22 Apr 2014 14:17 UTC)

Re: [Scheme-reports] Looking for collaborators to develop a formally verified implementation for R7RS (small) using Coq. John Cowan 22 Apr 2014 14:10 UTC

Larry Lee scripsit:

> I'm looking to develop an open-source implementation for R7RS that is
> formally verified. The implementation will be formally verified using
> Coq ( and will focus initially on the small version
> of the language. If you are interested in assisting with the project,
> please let me know.

I can't help with this directly, but I think it has all kinds of win.
What do you intend to use as the implementation language, or is that
still open?

John Cowan
All "isms" should be "wasms".   --Abbie

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