Re: [Scheme-reports] string-foldcase Alex Shinn (05 May 2014 13:36 UTC)
Re: [Scheme-reports] string-foldcase John Cowan (05 May 2014 14:19 UTC)

Re: [Scheme-reports] string-foldcase John Cowan 05 May 2014 14:15 UTC

Alex Shinn scripsit:

> [Note the reference implementation currently contains the following
> hack: (define char-foldcase char-downcase), which is not valid for
> full Unicode support.]

Right, because (string-downcase "daß") ==> "daß", whereas
(string-foldcase "daß") ==> "dass".

John Cowan
Andrew Watt on Microsoft:  Never in the field of human computing has so
much been paid by so many to so few! (pace Winston Churchill)

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