Re: [Scheme-reports] [scheme-reports-wg1] Unintended consequences of #319
Alex Shinn 11 Apr 2012 08:16 UTC
On Wed, Apr 11, 2012 at 1:24 PM, leppie <> wrote:
>> R5RS doesn't have such permission - it has permission
>> to return #f when the string has _any_ radix prefix, and
>> in a number of other cases related to incomplete numeric
>> towers. What we explicitly voted on is that these must
>> be unified with `read` behavior. I don't think this is an
>> unintended consequence.
> What will (string->number "#x10" 8) return?
> I think the issue is with ambiguity.
That would be an argument for returning #false
on mis-matched radixes as John suggested, not
on just returning #false for any radix prefix as
R5RS specifies.
Personally I don't think the ambiguity is a big
issue - the radix prefix in the string is later and
I don't think people would be surprised that it
acts as an override for the radix argument. I.e.
your example should naturally return 16.