Re: [Scheme-reports] Some comments after reading the r7rs public draft John Cowan (11 Jun 2012 05:28 UTC)

Re: [Scheme-reports] Some comments after reading the r7rs public draft John Cowan 11 Jun 2012 05:27 UTC

Alex Shinn scripsit:

> The other cases I think should always be auto-forced -
> they would simply be errors anyway.

In what sense would it be an error to ask if (delay 3) is eqv? to 3?
I note that although deliberate uses of `write` and `display` force
promises in Chibi, the default REPL does not, printing #<"Promise">.

Kill Gorgun!  Kill orc-folk!            John Cowan
No other words please Wild Men.
Drive away bad air and darkness
with bright iron!   --Ghan-buri-Ghan

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