Re: [Scheme-reports] Strong win later reversed: Real numbers have imaginary part #e0
Mark H Weaver 23 Dec 2012 22:51 UTC
Alex Shinn <> writes:
> On Sat, Dec 22, 2012 at 2:58 PM, Mark H Weaver <> wrote:
> Alex Shinn <> writes:
> > Exact arithmetic can run out of memory.
> So can your proposed inexacts. In order to avoid underflow and
> overflow, the number of representable values cannot be finite,
> because
> there can be no maximum or minimum representable magnitude.
> Therefore
> the amount of memory needed to represent your numbers is
> unbounded. No
> matter how clever your compression method is, that fact is
> unavoidable.
> It's not a compression technique, and the amount of
> memory is in practice bounded by the limitations of
> computation.
What external representation will you use for these numbers? For
example, even if you can efficiently handle something like this:
(do ((i 10000000 (- i 1))
(x 1e300 (expt x x)))
((zero? i) (/ x)))
What will you do if someone applies 'number->string' to the result?
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