[Scheme-reports] DELAY AND FORCE Andre van Tonder (23 Apr 2011 22:20 UTC)
[Scheme-reports] Regions of imports unspecified Andre van Tonder (23 Apr 2011 22:31 UTC)
Re: [Scheme-reports] Regions of imports unspecified John Cowan (23 Apr 2011 22:43 UTC)
Re: [Scheme-reports] Regions of imports unspecified Alex Shinn (24 Apr 2011 01:59 UTC)
[Scheme-reports] What are regions of toplevel imports? Andre van Tonder (23 Apr 2011 23:41 UTC)
[Scheme-reports] Internal syntax definition order problem Andre van Tonder (23 Apr 2011 22:39 UTC)
[Scheme-reports] Mutable exports Andre van Tonder (23 Apr 2011 22:48 UTC)
Re: [Scheme-reports] Mutable exports Alex Shinn (24 Apr 2011 02:00 UTC)
[Scheme-reports] Internal definition shadowing problems Andre van Tonder (23 Apr 2011 23:19 UTC)
[Scheme-reports] Importing identifier more than once Andre van Tonder (23 Apr 2011 23:37 UTC)

[Scheme-reports] Internal definition shadowing problems Andre van Tonder 23 Apr 2011 23:18 UTC

On p 19, some shadowing problems that would break lexical scope are declared to
be errors.  However, I believe there are otehr examples that shold be errors
that are not covered by the report.

In R6RS a more general criterion was used - please see R6RS for details.

Here is an example that does not violate the WG1 report but should be an error
becasue it violates lexical scoping.  It does not violate the WG1 criterion
because the meaning of x is not needed to determine whether (foo x p ) is a

    (let ((x #f))
      (let-syntax ((foo (syntax-rules (x)
                          ((_ x y) (define y 'outer))
                          ((_ _ y) (define y 'inner)))))
        (let ()
          (foo x p)
          (define x #f) ;; this should be an error because
                        ;; it shadows the previous line where
                        ;; x has already been used in its outer sense
                        ;; during expansion

Here is another example that WG1 allows but that would cause violation of
lexical scoping, because the macro would be evaluated first and treat ... as a
placeholder in a region where it is shadowed to be the variable bound to 1:

    (let ()
      (define-syntax list-macro
        (syntax-rules ()
          ((_ x ...) (list x ...))))
      (define ... 1)    ;; This shadows ... in previously expanded macro
                        ;; body and will be a violation of lexical scoping
      (list-macro 1 2)) ;; if the last line evaluates to (1 2)

OTOH, it is unclear to me if WG1 allows this or not.

    (let ((x #f))
      (let-syntax ((foo (syntax-rules (x)
                          ((_ x y) (define y 'outer))
                          ((_ _ y) (define y 'inner)))))
        (let ()
          (define x #f)
          (foo x p)

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