Re: [Scheme-reports] Draft 3 Comments: Chapter 5 John Cowan (06 Aug 2011 20:04 UTC)
Re: [Scheme-reports] Draft 3 Comments: Chapter 5 Per Bothner (06 Aug 2011 20:27 UTC)
Re: Draft 3 Comments: Chapter 5 Arthur A. Gleckler (06 Aug 2011 22:32 UTC)
Re: [Scheme-reports] Draft 3 Comments: Chapter 5 Andy Wingo (07 Aug 2011 08:19 UTC)
Re: Draft 3 Comments: Chapter 5 Arthur A. Gleckler (07 Aug 2011 16:36 UTC)

Re: [Scheme-reports] Draft 3 Comments: Chapter 5 John Cowan 06 Aug 2011 20:03 UTC

Jim Wise scripsit:

> I'd *guess* that these five, in roughly that order, comprise a largish
> majority of scheme users today -- even if most of us here cut our teeth
> on implementations like MIT Scheme, SCM, and Scheme48 which are no
> longer being updated or -- mostly -- used.

I can't speak to usage, but information about currency is available.
Here are some Schemes sorted by the date of the last *released* (not
trunk) version.

2011-11-06      Kawa            1.11
2011-08-06      Gauche          0.9.2
2011-08-03      Racket          5.1.2
2011-06-17      Mosh            0.2.7
2011-06-06      IronScheme      1.0rc4
2011-05-27      Chicken         4.7
2011-05-27      Chibi           0.4
2011-05-00      Chez            8.3
2011-03-25      Gambit          4.6
2011-01-07      Guile           2.0.2
2011-01-00      Bigloo          3.6a
2010-12-30      STklos          1.01
2010-10-08      Scheme 9        20101008
2010-07-28      SigScheme       0.8.5
2010-06-30      SCM             5e7
2010-03-09      MIT             9.0.1
2009-08-19      Larceny         0.97
2008-12-23      Ypsilon         0.9.6u3
2008-02-17      Ikarus          0.0.3
2008-02-07      Scheme48        1.8
2007-02-27      SISC            1.16.6
2006-05-16      scsh            0.6.7
2003-09-28      SXM             1.1

In my last lifetime,                            John Cowan
I believed in reincarnation;          
in this lifetime,                     
I don't.  --Thiagi

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