Re: [Scheme-reports] Date/time package John Cowan 10 May 2012 17:19 UTC

Arthur A. Gleckler scripsit:

> > (define last-january new-york '((year . 2012) (month-of-year . 1)))
> This one looks malformed.

Woops, yes, the last four lines should be:

(define last-january (make-date new-york-zone
  '((year . 2012) (month-of-year . 1))))
(define last-december (date-increment last-january 'month-of-year -1))
(date-field last-december 'month-of-year) => 12
(date-field last-december 'year) => 2011

After fixing the Y2K bug in an application:     John Cowan
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        DATE: MONDAK, JANUARK 1, 1900