Re: [Scheme-reports] Comments on draft 7 Alan Watson (10 Nov 2012 18:13 UTC)
Re: [Scheme-reports] Comments on draft 7 Alex Shinn (11 Nov 2012 03:13 UTC)
Re: [Scheme-reports] Comments on draft 7 John Cowan (11 Nov 2012 04:25 UTC)

Re: [Scheme-reports] Comments on draft 7 Alan Watson 10 Nov 2012 18:08 UTC

It's difficult to understand this prohibition. C strings containing non-terminal NUL characters are not prohibited:

  char s[] = "abc\0efg";

Sure, most C library functions will interpret this string as equivalent to the C string "abc" and most C-to-Scheme FFIs would convert this to the Scheme string "abc", but such ambiguities are not per se issues for Scheme code.



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